Natural Law

Natural Law is the most deeply occulted topic in the world and it is also the most important truth to understand because these laws govern the consequences of behavior. Under various traditions, Natural Law goes by other names including Consequentialism, Cosmic Law, God’s Law, Golden Rule, Karma, Law of Attraction, Law of Cause and Effect, Moral Law, and Universal Law.

Let’s break down the meaning of Natural Law.

Nature: Inherent; having a basis in Nature; not made or caused by humankind.

Law: An existing condition which is binding and immutable (cannot be changed).

In other words, Natural Law is Truth. Truth is objective and exists independent from human perception. It is unwavering, immutable, and rooted in Nature. Truth is that which has occurred in the past and that which is occurring in the present. Conversely, perception is subjective and depends on the wavering views of the individual being.

The reason that it is imperative that the new inititate of the occult understands Natural Law is because these laws govern, not only the physical laws of Nature, but also the spiritual laws of Nature, directing the consequences of human behavior. Therefore, to understand Natural Law is to understand morality and right action. A right is something that is correct or based in Truth and Natural Law. A wrong is something that is incorrect and is not based in Truth or Natural Law.

The simplest way to understand what human rights are is to understand what human rights are not. The Natural Law wrongs or transgressions as I understand them are as follows: murder, assault, rape, trespass, theft, coercion, and willful deceit. These transgressions are the real seven-deadly sins and they are all forms of theft. Murder is the theft of life, assault is the theft of bodily well-being, rape is the theft of free-will sexual association, trespass is the theft of security in another’s living quarters, theft is the taking of property, coercion is the theft of free-will choice, and willful deceit or lying is the concealment or theft of accurate information. In identifying what actions are wrong or incorrect in this apophatic way, we can then identify what actions are rights. Any action that does not involve theft is a Natural Law right

While these truths are self-evident, the mechanism of Natural Law is discoverable through the observation of cause and effect. A quick look through history provides overwhelming evidence that Natural Law morality is directly proportional to the amount of freedom in human society (e.g. the eugenics of Nazi Germany, the Ukrainian Holodomor, etc.). In order to expedite your understanding of Natural Law, it is essential that you watch the Natural Law Seminar by Mark Passio of You could also listen to the What On Earth is Happening Podcast in order, starting with Episode #1. Another suggestion is The Kybalion, a book that is thought to appear when the student is ready. Additionally, look into the philosophies of Consequentialism, Golden Rule, and Karma as well as the Info page of
