It may sound extreme to some that I call the common practice of eating meat the “cult of carnism,” but if you are truly honest with yourself, you will realize that a cult is exactly what it is. Humans do not naturally want to partake in the torture and mutilation of animals. However, because society as a whole participates in animal slaughter and because our parents, schools, TVs, grocery stores, and restaurants all promote these atrocities as normalcy, the average person rarely thinks twice about his/her indoctrination into this cult. People are loathe to hear or admit to the truth about their immoral behavior. Here are the main justifications for this cult that I often hear:
The Ignorance and Apathy Justification- “I’m not going to educate myself on the matter because it’s too unpleasant to pay attention to it.” or “I don’t have time to worry about them.”
Well, if we don’t understand the problem, we are powerless to change it.
The “Natural Order” Justification- “They kill each other, so why shouldn’t we do the same?,” “Our ancestors evolved from eating animals,” or “We’re just another animal.”
If this were the case, why not just roast a human baby? After all, animals do engage in that behavior. I’ll tell you the reason that we don’t partake in such extreme “survival-of-the-fittest” behavior: Humans have a higher capacity for empathy and morality than animals do and it would be patently absurd to believe that we should “stoop to their level” or not care about them.
The False Religion Justification- “God gave us dominion over them.”
“Then God said, ‘Behold, I have given you every seed-bearing plant on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit contains seed. They will be yours for food.’” – Genesis 1:29
The Double-Speak Justification- “I only eat animals that are killed ‘humanely.’”
Would you think it humane if someone decided to slice your throat open or put a bullet to your head?
The Separation Worldview Justification- “They are not as conscious or intelligent as we are, so it’s alright.”
One question: Have you ever had a pet?
No Justification- “But bacon!,” “I love a good steak,” or “I need meat for my health.”
The Truth—selfishness
Ask the following questions: Are their lives my property? Do I have the right to take another being’s life? I am proposing behavioral change here and I know that will make many readers deeply uncomfortable, but here is my suggestion: In order to unlock True Care in yourself, I strongly recommend watching the documentary film Earthlings. I cannot applaud this film enough for exposing everyday dark truths that will cause you to feel ashamed to be a part of humanity in its current condition. Documentaries such as Earthlings or Dominion are meant to elicit a visceral response of repulsion, which is the proper emotion to feel when one sees another being slaughtered.
Many readers will be tempted to use the “Ignorance and Apathy Justification” and refuse to watch the film because they already know how unpleasant the experience will be, but ignorance will not promote positive change. Learn to get comfortable with discomfort once in a while. Muster up the willpower to experience a dash of necessary discomfort so that you may come to understand the unimaginable suffering that we are causing billions of innocent beings every year without pause.
We tolerate the ritual sacrifice and slavery of these sentient beings who are “beneath” us, and so it is of course no wonder that we fall so easily into positions of slavery ourselves like putty in the hands of our masters.
Make no mistake. Carnism is a dogmatic religion, a cult which binds and enslaves. It is my cotention that humankind will never be truly free as a species until the majority activates the key to Freedom– the 8th Principle of Care. True Freedom means no master above, but also no slave below and you have to care in order to change that dynamic.
In addition to watching Earthlings, check out for powerful artwork on the subject of animal slavery.